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Exclusively For Party Animals

Are you afraid of posting memorable life events on social media because your employer might see the actual craziness that occupies every second of your world (outside the office)? Are you haunted by the thought of potential employers judging your drunken midnight selfies? Have you ever wanted to visit a new bar, but been held back by fears that the pub's vibe might not align with your interests? If any of these scenarios sound familiar, than BarTrendr may be your best solution. An upcoming app, BarTrendr is looking to become the new “private social media network” for all of your drunken escapades.

BarTrendr is available on both iOS and Android devices; it allows members to post reviews of local bars and connect with other interesting individuals. The application also enables users to upload pictures, post updates, and comment on group activities. And while this prospect may appear worrisome, BarTrendr represents a new form of social media: the “private social network.” These platforms block employers, family members, and others from viewing your profile and crazy social life.

BarTrendr also analyzes users' demographic data, including drink consumption, popular locations, and income levels (based on the type, and number, of drinks you order). For BarTrendr, this is valuable, and lucrative, data that the company can sell to beverage brands. As such, the application is free to download and use. Think of BarTrendr as a mix between Facebook (FB) and Snapchat; Facebook, in that you receive a free service in exchange for personal information, and Snapchat in that your posts are private.

In the last 5 months, BarTrendr has gained upwards of 600,000 new users. Given BarTrendr's business model, these new users represent greater data collection potential and, therefore, higher revenues. Investors have taken note of this trend and have purchased equity in the young company. Most recently, BarTrendr raised $1 million in seed funding to continue its drunken social media development.